In this post we are discussing the sum
In Staver was the first to study the sum
. He observed that
. He was , then , able to extract the recursive relation
He then proved a great result which is well known in literature
Later, in Rocket combining the identity
along with induction he was able to give another proof of . In
Surin provided another proof using the well known integral representation of the binomial coefficient,
Since then the cases and
have been studied extensively. However, Mansour generalising the idea of Sury provided a theorem which states the following:
Theorem [Mansour]: Let be non negative integers and
be given by
where are two functions defined on
. Let
be two sequences and
be their corresponding generating functions. Then,
Proof: The proof is a standard generating type one and is left to the reader.
Using the above theorem along with equation we can generate wonderful stuff. For example:
Example 1: Pick and
. Then
which , after a bit of transformations gives the general result
Fabulous, isn’t it? If we set we get equation
. Of course there are other applications of the above theorem. We can establish a similar equality for the sum
. Another relation that can be established by the above theorem is the following:
We are not gonna go into a deep analysis but the following equalities also hold: